Our Mission: Create systems that enable anyone in the world to get compensated and recognized for regenerative action.

What is dMeter?

We're an ecosystem of dMRV Innovators, forward-thinking landholders, web3 technical innovators, and subject matter experts for ecological restoration. We're putting together a database for people in dMRV and hosting monthly networking calls so members can learn about exciting dMRV pilots, collaborate on projects, and buidl this space together.

Interested in working with us? Check out the links below to learn more: 

Join dMeter

What We're Working On

Open Trees

A framework for storing tree metadata that works across the Silvi, EcoLabs, and FarmOS ecosystems. Won the Filecoin Hackathon event in spring 2023! 

Ogallala Plains Water Table Regeneration + FOAM Mesh Pilot

Ogallala Life and Athena partnered through setting up a FOAM mesh to prototype a radio-based proof of location that can be combined with other data to ensure that nobody is trying to spoof location and game the system. ‍Ogallala set up multiple check dams to retain more moisture in the ecosystem and will continue to work with Athena to set up more measurement devices and natural infrastructure.

Decentralized claim resolution framework With Filecoin Green

The project brings together established players in the space, including Regen Network (EcoCredit module and Data Module), Silvi (tree MRV and stewardship protocol), Eco Labs (Reputation and ID protocol), and Athena Protocol (Ocean Protocol middleware-like Provider). The grant will support the development of integrations and interoperability among these projects directly, as well as consulting with and encouraging the open inclusion of additional projects, fostering collaboration among many independent dMRV providers and organizations.

Our Vision for dMRV

We are consistently developing our vision for the technical implementation of decentralized, accessible, and holistic MRV at our whitepaper 

Read our whitepaper